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Labor and Birth Services

Walking with one Family at a time through their personalized birth process
What is a Doula?
Doulas are trained to help women through pregnancy, pregnancy loss, birth and postpartum process by providing advice and guidance on nutrition, exercise, birthing position, emotional support, massage, and advice.
When having a Doula it reduces the birthing process by these substantial numbers:

Reduction of cesarean births by 50%

Fewer epidural requests by 60%

Reduction in the use of forceps by 40%

Reduction in labor time by 25%


We Want everyone to be able to have a Doula!

Please ask us about a Low income options that we have availiable


Basic Delivery Option
Starting at $1,000
When using our Pre-Delivery services we make sure that you have the complete support from us possible. While allowing you support with your personal birthing plan we help you cope and be yourself throughout this process. We make sure that we are with you through parenting classes, supporting you with relaxation techniques to assist in labor as well as through labor and delivery.


Prenatal visits Monthly
Help creating birth plan
Offering Relaxation and coping techniques
On Call services 2 weeks prior to birth and 2 weeks after birth
Continuous support through Labor and delivery 
Help with Babies First latch 
1 Follow up visit after birth
Standard Delivery Option
Starting at $1500
Prenatal visits Monthly
Help creating birth plan
Offering Relaxation and coping techniques
1 Prenatal Massage
On Call services 2 weeks prior to birth and 2 weeks after birth
Continuous support through Labor and delivery 
Pictures of your Birth Process
Help with Babies First latch 
Follow up visit after birth
1 Postpartum Doula Visit
Deluxe Delivery Option 
Starting at $2,000
Prenatal visits Monthly
Help creating birth plan
Offering Relaxation and coping techniques
Rebozo Techniques
1 Prenatal Massage
On Call services 2 weeks prior to birth and 2 weeks after birth
Continuous support through Labor and delivery 
Pictures of your Birth Process
Help with Babies First latch
Follow up visit after birth
2 Postpartum Doula Visits
Placenta Encapsulation
Golden hour
labor support
labor support

Offering services for:


First baby/ Multiple Babies


Previous Birth Trauma

Crisis/Teen Pregnancy

High Risk Pregnancy/High Risk Birth/Previous Losses

Stillbirth/Elective Abortion

Homebirth/ Water Births

Intrauterine Insemination/ In Vitro Fertilization

Adoption/ Surrogacy


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Virtual Doula Services

Starting at $700


One Prenatal meeting per month

Help with creating a birth plan

Offering relaxation techniques

Support through labor and Delivery

Follow up visit Virtually in Birthing location

In home Help with Lacation


* Can add on Placenta Encapsulation to services


After your birth...Now what? Don't Forget to prepare for your Postpartum Period too!

© 2024 by Serene Relaxation. All rights reserved.

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